McLane Middleton Receives Band 1 Ranking in Chambers High Net Worth Guide

The law firm of McLane Middleton, Professional Association is pleased to announce that the firm received a Band 1 ranking in Chambers’ High Net Worth Guide – Private Wealth Law section.  In addition, attorneys Steven M. Burke, George L. Cushing, Christopher R. Paul, Ryan J. Swartz,  Robert A. Wells, and William V.A. Zorn received individual rankings.

On the firm’s Band 1 (highest) rank, the Guide comments: “McLane Middleton is considered ‘the biggest and best firm in New Hampshire for trust and estate matters’ by a source. An interviewee reports: ‘They are the largest firm in New Hampshire with a diverse practice to cater to high net worth clients. They are super-strong in the area of tax planning and wealth management. They are really head and shoulders above everybody else.’’’Additionally according to the Guide: “They are a top-drawer firm in New Hampshire. They do a fantastic job. They are consistent and solid and always have been,” comments an interviewee, adding: “I think that they have a high level of expertise, they have a diverse set of practice areas and they can handle pretty much anything that a client needs.” Another interviewee says: “They are excellent. They are responsive and they have an extraordinary service level and commitment to clients.”Individuals are ranked by Chambers in bands from 1-4 with 1 being the highest possible ranking.  The qualities on which rankings are assessed include technical legal ability, client service, depth of team, commercial vision and business understanding, diligence, and other qualities most valued by the client.Steve Burke, George Cushing, Bob Wells and Bill Zorn were given Band 1 rankings, while Chris Paul and Ryan Swartz received Band 2 and Band 4 rankings respectively.

According to the Guide:

Steven Burke advises high net worth clients on estate and tax planning and administration. “He is an excellent lawyer,” says one source, and another notes: “Steve Burke is a top lawyer. He is a great practitioner.” A commentator states: “When you get something from Steve Burke, you don’t need to check it. He has a tax background and an extraordinary amount of knowledge. He is a top professional when it comes to tax planning.”

George Cushing of McLane Middleton Professional Association is highly regarded by interviewees for his depth of experience handling trust and estate matters. One interviewee enthuses: “He is very experienced, incredibly knowledgeable, and has a great depth of expertise. He is diligent and thorough.” Another interviewee highlights Cushing’s intellectual ability, noting: “He is one of those people who loves the intellectual challenge. He is always looking at things in new and unique ways. He is a real student of the law; he has a real intellectual curiosity.”

Christopher Paul advises high net worth clients on a range of matters including trusts and business succession planning. One source observes: “He has such good experience in business, so he has a lot of comprehensive experience and knowledge. He has been in the business world for a long time.” Another source comments: “Chris Paul has a background in business. I find that perspective is helpful because he is able to absolutely look at things from a legal lens but also do it within the context of business. I think he is a pleasure to work with.”

Ryan Swartz of McLane Middleton Professional Association “is an up-and-coming star for trusts and estates,” states a source, before continuing: “He is great with clients, super intelligent and very personable.” Swartz regularly advises high net worth clients on estate planning and trust administration matters. One interviewee remarks: “He is very understanding of clients’ needs and he can explain the details and complexities to clients in a very easy to understand manner. He is really brilliant, I would highly recommend him.”

Robert Wells is admired as “the dean of New Hampshire’s trust and estate community.” One interviewee states: “Bob is a world-class lawyer. He is absolutely fantastic. He has great experience and the confidence that comes with that to guide and direct clients.” Another interviewee comments: “Bob is fantastic with clients. He knows his clients so well, he really understands what they want and need so he can always help them navigate what their goals are. He has sensational people skills.”

William Zorn is best known for advising high net worth individuals, families and business owners on estate planning, wealth preservation and tax matters. “Zorn is truly unflappable,” says a commentator, adding: “He is a super well-known practitioner. He has been at this a long time and is universally respected.” Another source comments: “Bill Zorn is a great lawyer. I appreciate having him on my side on a matter. He is grounded and straightforward.” A third interviewee remarks: “I think what stands out about Bill Zorn is that he is part of a trusted circle of advisers for clients. Bill is very thoughtful, very straightforward and he really knows the law. He is very intellectual.”