July 27, 2011, Portsmouth, New Hampshire– The McLane Law Firm is pleased to announce that Andrea Daly is being honored this month by The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NH) for her contributions to the organization.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI NH), is a statewide, grassroots non-profit comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups, staff and volunteers that provide information, education and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness.
Andrea has served on the Board of Directors for the past five years, and more recently took on a leadership role in raising awareness and funds needed to serve the agency’s constituents in the Seacoast.
Originally, Andrea got involved with the organization to share her expertise in mental health law with those in need. As a lawyer, her first foray into litigating a case involving mental illness came about 14 years ago when she was presented with an opportunity to represent a woman with bi-polar disorder, whose psychiatrist had taken her life savings.
“It inspired me to help people who are particularly vulnerable, due to mental illness. These people deserve support and should be treated with respect,” she says.
Now, years later, Andrea’s practice has expanded. While she still represents individuals and families fighting for justice, she also represents mental health practitioners. In some cases, they face ethics complaints with their licensing board or may have been sued. But she also advises practitioners across the State on a more proactive basis, helping them navigate the often complex legal and ethical issues they face.
Andrea is a resident of Portsmouth with her husband and two children.
She can be reached at 603-334-6927 or at andrea.daly@mclane.com.
About the McLane Law Firm
Founded in 1919, the McLane Law Firm is one of New England’s premier full-service law firms with offices in Manchester, Concord and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the Route 128 Trade Center in Woburn, Massachusetts. Driven by the firm’s depth of sophisticated legal expertise and an unwavering commitment to client service, McLane has built collaborative and lasting relationships with a broad spectrum of domestic and international clients. www.mclane.com