Barry Needleman to Moderate Update on Large Scale Energy Facilities Permitting in New Hampshire

On March 12, Barry Needleman, Co-Chair of McLane’s Energy Practice Group will moderate the Environmental Business Council’s update on permitting for energy facilities in New Hampshire.

“Given the pace of change taking place in energy infrastructure development, especially in New England, it is essential for everyone who deals with large energy projects to understand how the New Hampshire permitting process works,” said Needleman, who serves as program chair.

With the creation of the NH Site Evaluation Committee, (“NHSEC”), the New Hampshire legislature established a procedure for the review, approval, monitoring, and enforcement of compliance in the planning, siting, construction, and operation of energy facilities. The NHSEC provides “one stop shopping” for the permitting of all large energy facilities in New Hampshire. Its jurisdiction may extend to new or modified generation sources, electric transmission lines, natural gas pipelines and LNG storage facilities, and related large scale projects.

Sponsored by the Environmental Business Council , New Hampshire Chapter, this program will provide attendees with  basic information on the NHSEC as well as updates on how its processes may be changing in the near future.

The event will be held Wednesday, March 12, 2014 – 7:30 AM – 12:00PM at Public Service of New Hampshire, in Manchester.

Other speakers participating in the panel presentation include Robert Varney, Executive Vice President of Normandeau Associates, Inc. and Ed Cherian, New England Development Director of Iberdrola Renewables.

About Barry Needleman

Singled out by Best Lawyers in America as Concord, New Hampshire’s “2013 Environmental Lawyer of the Year”, Barry has almost 20 years of experience dealing with environmental and energy matters for regional and national clients. He does a substantial amount of energy facility siting work, mostly before the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee. Most recently, he obtained the regulatory approvals for the development of a new 75 megawatt biomass power plant in Berlin, New Hampshire. He regularly represents clients in environmental matters involving permitting, compliance counseling, and defense of administrative and judicial enforcement actions. He has experience litigating a variety of environmental cases in state and federal courts ranging from insurance and third-party cost recovery at former manufactured gas plants to the defense of State-wide MTBE contamination claims. He also litigates administrative matters before state appellate councils regarding permit appeals under various environmental programs.

Barry may be reached in McLane’s Concord, New Hampshire office at (603)230-4407 or by email at

McLane’s Energy group has been serving clients for more than 80 years in utility regulation, energy facility siting and permitting, corporate and transactional work, project finance, contracting and construction, environmental compliance, and administrative litigation before various state agencies. The Firm’s clients include prominent regulated utilities, banks, investors, developers and independent power producers.

About the McLane Law Firm

Founded in 1919, the McLane Law Firm is the largest full-service law firm in the state of New Hampshire, with offices in Manchester, Concord and Portsmouth, as well as Woburn, Massachusetts.  Driven by the firm’s depth of sophisticated legal expertise and an unwavering commitment to client service, McLane has built collaborative and lasting relationships with a broad spectrum of domestic and international clients.