Everything Is Not Terminator: America’s First AI Legislation

Headshot - John Weaver
John F. Weaver
Director, Corporate Department and Chair, Real Estate Practice Group and Chair, Artificial Intelligence Practice
Published: Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law
May 1, 2018

In December 2017, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators and representatives introduced the Fundamentally Understanding the Usability and Realistic Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2017 (the “Act”). Although the Act is a long way from becoming law—it is being considered concurrently by the Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee—it would be the first U.S. legislation to focus on forming a comprehensive plan to promote, govern, and regulate artificial intelligence (“AI”). Other countries are already actively considering legislation that would address AI or have already passed legislation or regulations that address some key aspect of AI. The Act would form the Federal Advisory Committee on the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (the “Committee”) to help inform the federal government’s response to the AI sector. The three primary components of the act—the definition of AI, the formation and composition of the Committee, and the Committee’s functions—are solid first efforts toward the regulation of AI, although the Act clearly anticipates further legislative action.

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