2024 Economic Outlook

McLane Middleton's Woburn Office 300 TradeCenter, Suite 7600, Woburn, MA

Will there be continued economic growth for 2024? How will interest rates continue trending over 2024/2025? These questions and many others are being asked more frequently in an ever changing economy. Join McLane Middleton attorney John Colucci along with Terry Sylvester Charron, Senior Director, Investment Strategist with BNY Wealth and Brien Moriarty, Senior Vice President with

Post-Mortem Planning: Strategic Estate Planning Does Not End at Death

McLane Middleton's Woburn Office 300 TradeCenter, Suite 7600, Woburn, MA

While many popular estate planning strategies are created and implemented during a client’s lifetime, other strategies and opportunities are available after the client’s death. Some strategies can be used to fix a “broken” estate plan or address changed circumstances, while others are implemented post-mortem to achieve goals contemplated during the client’s life. During this presentation, McLane Middleton